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2015年2月17日 (火)

Worship, today


5 years ago, I went with a group of 3rd year students to Malta for our study abroad program. We stayed for about two weeks, living in a hotel with hundreds of other students from many different countries. For most of the students I went with, it was their first time to spend an extended amount of time in a different country, so many interesting challenges and questions come up.


Malta is very hot in the summer, and unfortunately some students catch colds due to the temperature change. One girl was feeling quite bad, but had forgotten to bring any medicine with her. I went to a local pharmacy and bought her some medicine. When I handed it over to her, she looked at me like I was crazy. “What’s wrong?” I asked her. “Foreign medicines don’t work on Japanese!” she said defiantly. “Really? Why not? I asked her. “Because, Japanese people are… well… different!” she proclaimed. I tried to tell her that if she was in fact human, while the medicine might not be what she is used to, it will work just fine. Wouldn't you think it strange if you picked up a bottle of medicine and it said on the package “for Brazilians only” or “for Canadians only”? She refused to listen, and spent the rest of her time in Malta suffering from her cold.


I have a friend whose parents are both Japanese. However, they moved to America before she was born. So, she was born and raised in America. If you were to look at her name and her face, you would think she was just a regular Japanese girl. But she is actually 100% American. The way she talks, thinks, dresses and acts is all American. She can speak some Japanese, but when she does she has an accent like I do. Is she Japanese, or American? Her personality and passport say American, while her family says Japanese. What about children whose parents are from different cultures? Race is not always so clearly defined. What kind of medicine do you think they should drink?


Another time, one of our students was asked if she was Chinese. She took great offense to this and started talking about how “foreigners” are rude and racist. I told her that I understood her feelings, but to try to not take it wrongly. Without getting to know more about people it is very hard to tell who is from what country just by appearances. If I lined up a person from Australia, a person from France, and a person from Italy, would you be able to tell the difference just by looking at them? Probably not, but if you spent some time with them, and learned a little about their culture, language, etc., you would probably pretty soon be able to see some big differences. 


I think it is interesting that Japanese people use the word “gaijin” so much. Even in Malta, on the other side of the world, the students refer to everyone that is not Japanese as “gaijin”. In this situation, it is very important to learn the feeling that you are the gaijin, and you are the one that should try to adapt. You need to try to learn as much as you can about what's going on around you. Don't automatically build a wall between “us” and “gaijin”. At first look all you will see is differences, but at a closer look you will find many similarities. It is not your job to come in and tell them that they are wrong.


For me, the most interesting and fun part of the study abroad program is having these opportunities to get a first hand personal experience of foreign cultures. Living in one culture your whole life, you just always naturally assume that the things you are accustomed to are the best, and things that are contrary to that are strange, or wrong. But just because something is different does not mean it is wrong. 


Japan is a beautiful and peaceful country. Anyone should be proud to be from here. But I think it is hard to be exposed to other cultures and people of the world here. In America, 40% of the population is of foreign descent, whereas in Japan only 1.25% of the population is. I can’t say if that is a good or a bad thing, but it does show that if you want to learn more about the world and other cultures, you have to create an opportunity. The world is full of many interesting and wonderful things, but you can’t always find them until you open your mind, and take a step outside of your home.




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